
Payment Card Data Security Standards

Remediate & Build Applications to PCIDSS standards (1.0 to 3.2).


Tokenization & Encryption Services

Secure Critical Data with Tokenization, Data Masking, Encryption services.


Single Sign On

“Single Sign On” Integration for your applications for efficient access management across the Enterprise.


Multi-Factor Authentication

Secure you applications by providing multi-factor authentication. Prevent unauthorized access to both on premise and cloud applications by providing an additional level of authentication.


Mobile Authentication

Authenticate yourself using your smart phone with added layer of protection ranging from “receiving & accepting a notification” to higher levels including touch Id, Secured PIN, Voice Recognition, Facial Recognition and many more.


Mobile Payments

Make secure payments using your mobile devices (Premium SMS based transactional payments, Direct Mobile Billing, Mobile web payments, EMV chip and contactless payment technology.


Active Directory and LDAP integration

We offer a very robust and efficient active directory single sign-on integration solution


Authentication and Authorization Services

We provide a very robust and efficient Authentication and Authorization services that can be used to integrate plethora of applications on various devices using industry standard protocols like OAuth, SAML, WIF, XML, SOAP etc.,


Application Identity Management

Industry standard processes and controls for efficient access management for your applications.


Application Risk Profiling

Industry standard "Application Risk Framework" for Reviewing & Categorize your applications (High, Medium & Low risk) for efficient risk management..


Service Level Agreements

Creating & Enforcing Service Level Agreements for best results.


Quality Review Council (QRC)

Ensures High Quality Product.


Application Security Reviews

Tool based Automated Security Scans for identifying Security threats & vulnerabilities.


Application Control Reviews

Best practices for ensuring ongoing “security integrity” for your applications.


Enterprise Risk & Security Assessment

Identify focused, specific, actionable risks which are directly related to the application being examined, while avoiding risks which are general, vague or global in nature.


Identity Manager

Our identity manager integrates easily with existing systems & enables easy & efficient user management including “mass user import & provisioning” and “user synchronization across multiple applications”.


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+1 (662)-626-3378